Does my drinking water contain fluoride?
Yes. California Assembly Bill 733, signed into law by Governor Pete Wilson in 1995, authorized the California Department of Health Services to require water suppliers with 10,000 or more service connections or customers to fluoridate their public water supply. The California Fluoridation Regulations adopted by the California Department of Health Services were added to the California Code of Regulations (CCR - Title 22, Sections 64433 and 64434;pages 81to 87) in April 1998. - Learn more at http://www.sdcwa.org/fluoridation
Is bottled water better than tap water?
No. At least not when it comes to water quality. Bottled water originates from wells, springs, or even faucets and is treated to improve taste, not necessarily quality or disinfection. If you are purchasing bottled water because you like the taste better, that is a personal choice. If you are purchasing bottled water because you believe it is safer than tap water, you've been misinformed.
Who is responsible for maintaining the water pressure in my home?
You are. Fallbrook's hilly terrain creates varying pressure zones within the FPUD service area. In order to maintain appropriate working pressure beyond your water meter, it is your responsibility to make sure your pressure regulator is working properly to prevent failure. FPUD maintains its meters, pipelines, and connections, however, our responsibility stops at the district water meter. The maintenance and/or repair of all property plumbing, is the sole responsibility of the property owner.
I have no water - what do I do?
First, check the valve where the water line enters you home, or grove, to make sure it hasn't been turned off. Look for obvious leaks between this point and your water meter. If this doesn't help, call the District office (760) 728-1125 day or night, and we will be happy to assist you.
What if I see a water leak?
If you see a water leak on your property's side of the water meter, it is your responsibility to have it repaired. However, if the water meter is leaking, or you see a leak in the street, or from a hydrant, call the District office (760) 728-1125 day or night, and we will respond as soon as possible.
Who do I contact for road repair?
Fallbrook is an unincorporated area in San Diego County. The County of San Diego is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of roadways within the Fallbrook area. If you need to report road damage please contact the County of San Diego at 858-694-3900 or visit their website.